Meet The Owner

 My name is Jasmine and my story, unfortunately, is retold and relived far too many times by people around the world.

 My ambition and passion for learning spurred from a challenging childhood. I was brought up in a loving home, but stability was always a dream and this bore in me... a slave to the system. 

 I started my career believing that hard work would be enough, and hit a turning point when after my second physical burn out, from working 16-18 hours a day, I was told by a man I looked up to in corporate that he didn’t need “smart woman” he just needed “pretty girls” to fulfill the roles that I was hiring and training for.

It was in that moment that a mental shift took place inside of me - and I knew that I could no longer go on putting all of my energy into someone else’s dream.

 And so, Freedom Projects was born, as I slowly grew to develop how to match my passions, skills, and love for coaching together, it became my goal to create a brand and community that I hope will impact hundreds of lives one day - to free them from ever retelling this story.

You are not alone.

Start a movement.